Thursday, February 26, 2009

I don't want your.... Photograph.

At first glance, you may look at this black on white collection of photo frames and think... wow, where's all the color? This is dreary.

But in the words of rock ancients:


Photograph... I don't want your
Photograph... I don't need your
Photograph... All I've got is a photograph, but its not enough

If you still feel like seeing Def Leppard in concert, you are lucky - they are still touring.

In the meantime, regardless of what past you may be trying to hide or showcase, these nifty set of frame sure brings things to life in a hurry. Only at Red Envelope.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am a Red Hot Baby Orchid

Ahhh.  It may sound like the title of a new Gwen Stefani song, but it conjures visions of the swank luxury of a 5 star suite, or a red Lamborgaini as it creeps out of the million dollar homes in LA.

Needless to say, this little plant packs a punch. I am self-admittedly not a flower person, nor do I enjoy gardening or anything like that (although  I do like fresh fruit), but this is a plant that I would buy and proudly showcase on the end-table in my living room.   

You may ask why.

  • It looks really cool
  • It has a green powder type of base that I find strangely attractive
  • It looks vaugley like a duck, and I used to raise ducks one winter with some friends in Minneapolis when they had nowhere else to go. 
Bottom line though – a very cool and sexy plant, for both guys and girls – it make me want to go see that movie The Spirit.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Nurturing your true Love-Hate relationship.

Guys like to play golf because:

A – They think that they actually good at it. You are good only if you can beat this 12 year-old girl, who is on-track to make more money than Lebron James

B – They need something to spend abnormal amounts of money on and to complain about before and after for the next month

C – Golf is a great excuse for day drinking, as beer is proven to be a natural performance enhancer. Co-incidentally, this can also exponentially increase the fun of parallel activities such as golf carts, heckling your buddies, reshaping nonperforming clubs, and maintaining your balance.

Anyway - regardless of why you are playing to win, playing to play, or playing to drink, you will need a set of clubs. And why not honor your long-standing tradition of missing putts, bogeying par 3s, and slicing the ball at every opportunity by getting some engraved golf club links from Red Envelope for your clubs.

Let’s face it. Those clubs you spent your last month’s paycheck on are probably not going to help you as much as promised – if any. So if you’re trying to get a stand-out set, why not opt for the other end of the club and go with these.

At least they won’t get lost – unless you pack like you drive.
