Monday, December 29, 2008

World Time Clock - $79.95

What time is it again?

No matter where in the world you might be asking this question (if you always have trouble remembering, like I do), with this slick little contraption, you'll be able to tell in no time at all.

I'm not quite sure how it works, but from what I gather, you set the clock to an appropriate time, and then use some type of twisting methodology to quickly and painlessly check out the sun's location in different time-zones across the globe.

Convenient? No.

Easy to put in your pocket? Probably not.

But a great and fascinating discussion piece for the office? You bet.

It's also made of glossy black or stainless steel, and it actually does work flawlessly with the 24 most popular time zones across the globe. Definitely a great gift for your world traveler or your local yokel with family / significant others in far away places.

Floating Desktop Globe - $59.95

Where in the World...

Would you find one of these? Yes, its a globe. And yes, it magically floats (even it's actually magnetics that cause this mesmerizing effect).

What makes this product a great gift -
  • It floats - this also means it bounces and wobbles with a slight touch - and for kids, if you have any, it means countless hours of fascination with how hard/far you can bump it and push it before it flies off its magnetic rails and falls down (it is slightly durable singularly for this purpose) - plus, its fun to get it back on its floating track
  • It's very distracting - most people want to travel the world at some point in their life, and not only does this gift give them a visual, the floating-ness makes it easy to forget where they are and to imagine where they might be
  • It's a great conversation piece - everybody loves travel, magnets, and things that can break, this is a just a classy / great way to present it
We are working on an oversize version of this approx. 4' by 4' and the only thing holding us up are the potential de-railing problems and the possible consequences that could follow from a 300lb ball rolling around the office. If this ever comes to fruition we will post it here.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Deluxe Valet - $99.95

1294 minutes... and counting.

That is my best estimate for time wasted this year trying to find my iPod, wallet, keys, company badge, and my ever-growing hand-written list of to-do's. In all disclosure, a lot of those minutes were racked-up while trying to find my watch, which was given to me by my wife the day of our wedding. I did find it - in the trunk of my car behind some old golf shoes.

Habitually I misplace stuff. Sometimes I throw stuff into the "junk drawer". Other times, I put my gear on the kitchen table. Still yet other times, I throw stuff into the refrigerator and washing machine - I must be really sleep deprived. My lack of organization is causing a lot of consternation, wasted time, and effort on trying to locate my basic everyday stuff.

Enter potential solutions:

Hire a Butler
I've thought about hiring a butler, but that seems too formal and costs too much money. Plus I don't have a castle, I'm not a Windsor, I didn't marry a princess... you get the idea.

However, if you do want to get a butler, click here

Get a Trapper Keeper
I used one of these handy-dandy organizers in grade school and it did work wonders for a while. First introduced in 1978, the trapper keeper scored big with teens. It stores a surprising amount of stuff, despite it's small dimensions. However, carrying this around for general organization probably won't work. Plus you'll lose a lot of cool points at the bar carrying around this vintage organization system. Or maybe you'll be a hit...

You can still buy these things here

Get a Valet
Here's a pretty sweet deal from RedEnvelope. $20 off their deluxe valet. Holds all of your gear in one stylish container. I like the iPod charger area.

Plus, the valet, which retails for $99 will cost a lot less than hiring Jeeves to keep track of your stuff. It is more expensive than a Trapper Keeper, but it is more stylish. Plus, in the final analysis, I'd pay a lot more for something like this if I could cut down on all of the time I spend trying to find my gear.

Crap, where did I place my tax documents, grocery list, intellectual property patents, business cards, etc... To get a valet, then click here.

Personalized Silver Compass - $89.95

I’m lost. No, seriously, I’m really lost right now.

It’s a humbling experience for many men to admit that they are lost. And with $120 Garmin units taunting you everywhere you go, it takes an entirely different perspective to realize – maybe what I need, is a silver compass – with my initials on it.

For those guys and girls who still enjoy a challenge, a compass is actually a really fun and creative way to navigate. Sure, the sun is supposed to tell you which way is east or west, but these days, who can really tell? Especially from noon to 5, when its always tilted a little bit to one side. Which was is up?

On a more serious note – if you know any adventures in your life, this compass makes a great gift. It looks great on the desk in the study, or in the dashboard of your truck. Just looking at it makes you want to pick it up… and once you do, you realize – you never knew which way north was before...

Available exclusively here.

Monogrammable Branders - $69.95

These are great. There is almost no other way to say it… where else can you get Monogrammable (that means you can customize the letters) Branding Irons. Now, an uneducated person might ask… for what?

For what? I’ll tell you for what…

For your steaks after you cook them. For your 2x4’s after you build your shed or your new dining room table. For your new front lawn after you cut the grass. For your front door, to let people know who lives there (way better than an address – that’s lame). For your mailbox. The inside of your leather jacket. Your wallet, if it’s a big wallet. That big bass you just caught on your last fishing trip, just to make sure everybody knows it was you who caught it. Your logs of wood, before you burn them, to let people know it was you who built the fire. Your garage door, you’re tool chest, and your tacklebox. Maybe even your new dog, although, maybe best to use paint there instead of actually branding them.

The point is – these are AWESOME. And if you don't already have one - you should buy one. Available exclusively here at Red Envelope.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ballpark Pens - $179.95

If I close my eyes long enough, I can see it now - My Grandpa is sitting back in his chair, barely coherent to his surroundings, totally absorbed in the baseball game happening on the TV in front of him. His Red Sox hat on, he barely moves an inch for three hours, his only signs of consciousness an occasional grumble, and the constant self-talk about his teams’ performance. Now, I can’t remember much from when I was 7 years old, but I’ll never forget those games. Or the games my Dad used to take me and my brothers to all the time in Cincinnati.

The point is – there are very few great American traditions like the game of baseball. And old or young, people all over America have some of their fondest memories watching their team play in one stadium or another.

Many of these stadiums (i.e. Fenway Park) live in infamy for many of these fans. And even though they eventually get leveled and replaced by newer, more contemporary stadiums, their spirit lives on, thanks to Someone’s genius idea of making pens, cufflinks, and necklaces out of the seats and material of these great American icons.

For the rabid fan in your life - these make great gifts. Red Envelope carries the pens here, as well as the cufflinks and the necklaces below.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Red Envelope - All About Gifting

With so many posts about our products, we wanted to make sure everybody knew what Red Envelope was all about -

We're all about giving

You give to affirm a friendship, to celebrate a new beginning, to thank a colleague, to honor family, to connect with a loved one, to commend successes, to mark passages, to give a little encouragement — or just because it's a joy to give.

From tokens of gratitude to expressions of love, as your partner in giving, RedEnvelope offers a unique and wide-ranging collection of thoughtful gifts for every occasion and everyone on your list — around the clock, all year round.

We only select quality products — many of which are exclusive to RedEnvelope — that are unusual, surprising and beautifully designed to ensure the gifts you give create a special moment when they are opened — whether it's a knowing smile, heartfelt laughter, or a sentimental tear or two.