Monday, December 29, 2008

Floating Desktop Globe - $59.95

Where in the World...

Would you find one of these? Yes, its a globe. And yes, it magically floats (even it's actually magnetics that cause this mesmerizing effect).

What makes this product a great gift -
  • It floats - this also means it bounces and wobbles with a slight touch - and for kids, if you have any, it means countless hours of fascination with how hard/far you can bump it and push it before it flies off its magnetic rails and falls down (it is slightly durable singularly for this purpose) - plus, its fun to get it back on its floating track
  • It's very distracting - most people want to travel the world at some point in their life, and not only does this gift give them a visual, the floating-ness makes it easy to forget where they are and to imagine where they might be
  • It's a great conversation piece - everybody loves travel, magnets, and things that can break, this is a just a classy / great way to present it
We are working on an oversize version of this approx. 4' by 4' and the only thing holding us up are the potential de-railing problems and the possible consequences that could follow from a 300lb ball rolling around the office. If this ever comes to fruition we will post it here.

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