Thursday, January 8, 2009

Assorted Hand-Dipped Strawberries - $39.95


I am. I'm always hungry. And while I like to keep it healthy, its tough not to indulge sometimes...

Have you seen these hand-dipped chocolate strawberries at RedEnvelope? I used to work at Dairy Queen, and while chocolate dipped ice cream cones seem to have faded over the last decade or so, these are certainly reminiscent. Unlike ice cream cones, these strawberries are more healthy and taste better, depending on how much of a sweet tooth you have.

From the Red Envelope website - "These incredible, mouthwatering fruits are sure to have the crowds oohing and ahhing". Now, I'm not sure if there will be crowds where you are eating these, but there's a good chance you might attract one.

Add flowers and these strawberries, and you have the perfect gift for Valentine's Day.
Get them here.

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