Monday, January 12, 2009

Chocolate fortune cookies - romance in a sweet.

Gentlemen - if you have an adventurous spirit, and you like Chinese tradition, and you need a great Valentine's day gift, then you're in luck. Depending on what cookie you crack, these Chocolate Fortune Cookies make a great gift for your sweetie.

From the Red Envelope website - "Your love life is about to take a turn for the interesting". Who doesn't want that? Love is like a river that needs to be navigated... you don't know where the waterfalls are, they just kind of show up... fortunately for you, RedEnvelope brings those waterfall moments to you in a nicely wrapped box so that you don't have to wait.

Aren't you excited, ha ha.

But on a genuine note, these really are pretty cool, and a great buy for the price (They sell for $25). It's classy, original, and probably most importantly, engaging.

Ok, so your girlfriend probably wants a Tiffany's bracelet, but these can make for a good time. A great combination of chocolate, good fortune, and a little who-knows-what.

And for the girls - this is dangerous in your hands... I'm not sure I can sanction you buying it.

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