Monday, January 12, 2009

There's a new Gecko in town

There is a crowned frog prince selling at RedEnvelope; it's an interesting item. I'm not sure why somebody wants this, and what would they do with it once they got it?

However, it's one of the best sellers at RedEnvelope, and while I don't exactly know why, it definitely is... hmmm.

I can understand why the ladies would like it... it conjures visions of turning a frog into a presentable guy, etc., so this might make a great gift for your girl.

In the meantime, here are some alternative uses I've come up with:
  • paper weight
  • a small projectile for throwing at things
  • a magnifying glass-like sun reflector to start a fire if you are ever lost in the wilderness...
  • a bizzare piece of decoration that that would confuse/amuse many who see it
  • an interesting log decoration, if you pound it in permanently with a sledge hammer
One thing can sure be said about this metallic expression of frog love around this time of year - like the Geico gecko - nobody saw it coming...

If you're feeling like you love this frog already, get it here.

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